Baker Technical Institutes works with industry partners to provide scholarship opportunities to students seeking a technical education.
Trade School Scholarship - OPEN year-round | Interested in learning a trade? OTEC offers $2,500 scholarships for those interested in attending a trade, vocational or technical school.
Lineman Scholarship - OPEN year-round | Interested in a career in the electric utility industry? OTEC offers $5,000 scholarships for those who want to pursue a career as a lineman.
For more information visit:
The AWS Foundation will award more than $1.5 million in scholarships in 2021!
If you are currently enrolled, or will soon enroll, in a welding program or a related field, then consider applying for our scholarships. Scholarships are available for students attending trade schools, community colleges, and four-year universities. An AWS Foundation scholarship can be the extra push that helps you fulfill your goals!
AWS Foundation Scholarships are for tuition, fees, books, supplies, or equipment required for the course of instruction. Scholarship awards will be sent directly to the academic or training institution.
For more information, visit:
About the Scholarship & Eligibility Requirements
The Leo Adler Foundation provides scholarships to graduates of North Powder High School and of all high schools in Baker County, Oregon. Applicants must also be residents of Baker County or the North Powder School District. Applicants who meet the residency requirement and receive a general equivalency diploma (GED) from a duly accredited institution in Oregon or appropriate homeschool certification may also apply. Recipients qualify for up to five years of scholarship awards. Scholarships may be applied consecutively over the five-year period, or recipients may elect to save part of their eligibility for a future program of study (i.e. graduate or doctoral studies). Under special circumstances, recipients may request a deferral and postpone the award.
Am I a first-time, renewal, or returning applicant?
If you received funding last year, you would be a “renewal applicant”. However, if you took a gap year/deferral, you would be considered a “returning applicant”.
For more information, visit:
The Working Hands Scholarship is available through the Cascade Natural Gas Corporation
Apply for the Working Hands Scholarship here:
Each year, we recognize people willing to work smart AND hard.
The Work Ethic Scholarship Program is about recognizing people who understand the importance of work ethic, personal responsibility, delayed gratification, and a positive attitude. These are hardworking men and women who will keep the lights on, water running, and air flowing. These are people who show up early, stay late, and bust their asses day in and out. These are the people we want to reward.
For more information, visit:
The Cassidy Scholarship is intended to support a student that is pursuing a career in the healthcare field that attends Baker Technical Institute for initial training and certification.
The student must also plan to further their post secondary education at Eastern Oregon University or Oregon Health Sciences University - La Grande campus in the near future in a health care program. This funding may be used for the BTI portion of the training.
The Cassidy Scholarship was founded in 2020 by the Oregon School Board Association to honor their past president, Kevin Cassidy, and his years of commitment to education and giving back to the community. Deadline for application submission: May 26, 2021.
To apply, visit:
BTI - EOU Partnerships in Education that make sense
In Memory of Mayce Collard
For graduating Baker City High School seniors. Provide this scholarship application to a BCHS staff member for nomination.
This scholarship is awarded to individuals who personify many of Mayce’s best qualities: a positive attitude, volunteer experience, and acceptance of others. Students don’t necessarily have to have big plans for college or excellent grades. Scholarship will be awarded to someone who goes out of their way to be kind, to recognize the good in people even when it’s hard, and those who spend time volunteering/serving.
Please email for information about this scholarship.