What is a Brownfield?
A brownfield is a property, of which the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse may be complicated by the presence, or potential presence, of an environmental issue.
Community Assessment - Baker City and La Grande

What is a Brownfield?
A brownfield is a property, of which the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse may be complicated by the presence, or potential presence, of an environmental issue.
It is estimated that there are more than 450,000 brownfields in the U.S. Cleaning up and reinvesting in these properties increases local tax bases, facilitates job growth, utilizes existing infrastructure, takes development pressures off of undeveloped, open land, and both improves and protects the environment. By completing environmental site studies that would aid in overcoming redevelopment challenges, it is possible to transform brownfields from liabilities into assets that will benefit both property owners and the community.
In 2021, BTI, Baker City, EOU, and La Grande formed a coalition and received a $600,000 grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to provide free environmental studies to aid property owners in obtaining financing, engage through property transactions, and overcome redevelopment challenges.
Stantec, a consulting firm with a widely recognized brownfield team, is advising the coalition in implementing a program to use these funds to provide environmental site assessment, planning, and other services to aid property owners in Baker City and La Grande as well as involve BTI and EOU students as an educational opportunity in community revitalization.
Have a Property in Mind?
Fact Sheet – community’s role in the program.
Process Guide for Property Owners & Stakeholders – Find out more about the steps taken to receive funding, assessment, or planning activities for a property.
Nomination Form - Nominate a property for assistance. For best results, download the form and save it to your computer before entering information.
Access Agreement – If your property is selected for the program, please fill out this access agreement to allow work to begin.
Public Involvement Plan – If you want to know how we are we conducting outreach. Put together in partnership with the Sustainable Rural Systems students of EOU.
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn More
Public involvement is important for establishing a successful brownfield revitalization program. Public meeting notices are shared on BTI’s calendar. Join us for the next two, February 8th and 9th in La Grande and Baker City:
Do you have questions about redeveloping a potential brownfield property? Contact grant consultant Jacqueline Brenner at Jacqueline.Brenner@stantec.com or 503-220-5420.
Project Updates – Fall 2023
Public Involvement Plan – Through our partnership with EOU’s Sustainable Rural Systems program, students put together a public involvement plan that was approved by EPA demonstrating community outreach efforts and responsibilities during the grant period, linked above.
Baker City
Baker School District 10th Street Lot, 3110 10th Street – A Phase I ESA has been completed at this property. Largely due to sawmill saw dust fill material hindering development at the property, a geophysical survey was recommended and was approved for the site. This work is expected to be completed Spring 2023.
Old Ford Garage, 2300 Main Street – A Phase I ESA has been completed at this property. Due to the former auto garage use of the property, a geophysical survey was recommended for the property and is awaiting approval. This work is expected to be completed Spring 2023.
La Grande
Bonenkamp Building (Mountain Works), 1301 Adams Avenue – A regulated building material survey, including asbestos and lead-based paint sampling, has been completed in support of redevelopment of the vacant upper floors of the building to be converted into housing. A Phase I ESA was conducted to help the property owners receive a construction loan to begin renovation of the upper floors. Additionally, EOU students worked to assist the property owner in identifying additional funding for a new elevator to support the redevelopment.
Globe Furniture Warehouse, 1501 Jefferson Avenue – A Phase I ESA was completed at the property.
Old Miller’s Lumber, 307 Greenwood Avenue – A Phase I ESA was completed at the property.
Mountain West Moving, 1305-1315 Jefferson Avenue – A Phase I ESA is in progress at the property.
NAPA Auto Parts, 1104 Jefferson Avenue – A Phase I ESA is in progress at the property.
Old La Grande Firehouse, 104 Elm Street – Renovation of the vacant portions of the building is proposed in support of rehoming La Grande’s IGNITE Center for small business resources, entrepreneurs, and coworking. This grant may provide a regulated building material survey, including asbestos and lead-based paint sampling, pending approval of the project from the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office.
Central Building
Located at 2425 Washington Ave., the 1.46-acre Central Building property is occupied by the 57,000 square foot former Baker High School (1917-1952) and Baker Middle School (1953-2009) school building. It was constructed by Ellis F. Lawrence, the founder of the School of Architecture at the University of Oregon. It is eligible for the National Register of Historic Places and has been vacant since 2009.
Project History and Update – Winter 2023
A Phase I ESA was conducted in 2019 prior to BTI’s acquisition. A regulated building materials survey, including asbestos and lead-based paint sampling, was also completed at this time. This work was funded by a grant from Business Oregon’s Brownfields Redevelopment Fund.
In 2020, BTI received a $500,000 EPA Brownfield Cleanup Grant. Due to COVID, cleanup work was delayed to the end of 2021. The Central Building is currently slated for roof asbestos abatement to begin spring/summer of 2023. A delay in abatement has occurred as additional funding is being secured for a new roof. Interior asbestos and lead-based paint abatement will occur once the building envelope is sealed when the roof is replaced.
The Oregon State Historic Preservation Office has been consulted regarding the proposed scope of work. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is currently reviewing the Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA), which has a two week comment period and be posted here for public comment.
Student Involvement
BTI students put together an RFP for the environmental consultant, and reviewed the proposals received, conducted interviews, and selected a consultant. They also job shadowed the consultant in conducting the Phase I ESA and in the identification of asbestos and lead-based paint. EOU students are currently assisting in community outreach, including creating signage for the building, have created a Public Involvement Plan, and are helping plan public meetings.
Learn More
Attend our upcoming meeting, February 9th at Baker City Hall where we will discuss the status of the Central Building.
Information Poster
A fact sheet to be displayed at the Central Building when abatement begins.
Public Involvement Plan
Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives
Available for public comment. All comments must be submitted to Jacqueline.brenner@stantec.com by March 20, 2023.
This project is being supported with a grant from Business Oregon’s Brownfields Redevelopment Fund.
Project Update – Winter 2023
A Phase I ESA was completed December 2022. Historical auto repair and improper disposal of oil and other automotive fluids are driving the need for a Phase II ESA. The site buildings were also constructed in the mid-20th century and may contain asbestos and lead-based paint that will need to be assessed and abated before demolition. EOU students assisted in conducting the Phase I ESA site visit and interviews, and will participate in Phase II ESA activities as they are scheduled.